N&W Designs CAT’s Market Square Makeover

N&W Designs CAT’s Market Square Makeover

CAT Market SquareN&W recently developed concept plans for Harrisburg’s Capital Area Transit’s Market Square transfer station makeover. To complement recent hardscape work, CAT plans to use a $150,000 grant to make a series of improvements to the downtown transfer station. The design includes a raised pedestrian-friendly intersection, which CAT said would brand the square and slow down traffic that approaches on Second Street. An elevated archway sign that reads “Welcome to The City of Harrisburg,” will greet those approaching the station from the south. A new Kiosk, equipped with an electronic ticket machine and transit schedule board, will be installed. New crosswalks, ADA improvements and a bike lane along Second Street are are also planned. The revamped station will include a self-cleaning restroom, new landscaping, a food truck pad and a shaded area with seating for outdoor dining. CAT said at least 60 percent of its 2.6 million annual riders connect to jobs in Harrisburg via the transfer station.  Work is expected to wrap up in 2016.