Paradise Elementary School Pequea Valley School District

Paradise Elementary School Pequea Valley School District

pequea-schoolNavarro & Wright is proud to have been the Civil Engineer for this LEED Gold-certified facility which earned the Green Building Association of Central Pennsylvania’s Design Award competition in 2009.  Built on the 17-acre site of the existing elementary school, Pequea Valley School District sought to build a school that conserved land resources, optimized energy performance, reduced energy consumption and costs, reduced water consumption, lessened storm water impact, and supported the regional economy by utilizing regional materials and resources. This project consisted of the preparation of a Land Development Package and Construction Specifications for the construction of the new elementary school building on the approximately 8.3 acre site along the west side of Belmont Road.  Navarro & Wright prepared a Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan package.Drawings included plans of the existing condition site, site layouts, grading and stormwater management, and erosion and sedimentation control.  Navarro & Wright incorporated several LEED design elements into the site design including vegetated channels with infiltration trenches, retentive grading to promote infiltration and capturing roof runoff for water reuse.

The Landscape Architecture group at Navarro & Wright was hired to provide a planting plan for the new Paradise Elementary School. The trees, plants and ground coverings selected for use on the school grounds were grouped into “schoolyard habitats” for an educational landscaping approach that changed with the seasons. Called the Science Park, this concept provided a unique opportunity to bring together geography, science, ecology, botany, etc.